SciFunGames Reveals the Challenges Behind the Scientific Metroidvania Exographer

Vinicius Melo
Editor-chefe Watermelo, cientista da computação e escritor iniciante.

segunda, 5 de agosto de 2024 17h 40min

(credit image: SciFunGames )

Exographer is a science-inspired exploration game developed by SciFunGames and distributed by Abylight Studios. In this title, players take on the role of an explorer trapped on an alien planetoid, tasked with uncovering the secrets of an extinct civilization. The game does not yet have an official release date. To learn more about the development process, we contacted the studio, which kindly responded to our questions.

When asked about the inspiration behind the concept of Exographer and how scientific themes were integrated into the metroidvania gameplay to create a unique exploration experience, the studio explained: "Exographer is inspired by the marvels of particle physics. This complicated science is present throughout the game. Locations are inspired by large accelerators like CERN, cosmic observatories, underground neutrino detectors, etc. The NPCs are also inspired by real scientists. Dirca is a reference to Paul Dirac, for example. But more importantly, Exographer has, in addition to traditional exploration/platform games, a special analysis phase where players solve scientific puzzles. No prior knowledge of particle physics is needed, but you will find yourself manipulating fundamental (Feynman) diagrams."

We asked about the role of the camera mechanic in Exographer and how it influences gameplay and the discovery of hidden particles and secrets. The studio explained: "Early in the game, the character finds a tablet equipped with a camera. At any time, they can take a snapshot of the screen that serves four purposes. First, the last snapshot is your unique save point. Second, if a point of interest is in your picture, it is identified and stored in your tablet, revealing key information about the world and the puzzles you have to solve. Collecting all these clues is one of your goals. Third, each of these clues is a checkpoint where you can teleport back later in the game. Finally, in each level, you need to take a special picture on which particles appear and that you need to analyze."

Regarding the challenges faced during the development process, considering that Exographer is still awaiting an official release date, the team commented: "The game is finished in terms of content. While we are improving the user experience and polishing the final details, our publisher, Abylight Studios, is porting it to Switch, PlayStation, and Xbox."

Finally, we asked what players can expect in terms of progression and gameplay mechanics as they explore the alien planetoid and uncover the mysteries of the extinct civilization. The studio revealed: "Exographer was designed so that players rediscover all the known particles, from the electron to the Higgs boson. There are about 17, and finding them marks the game's progression. Some of them unlock power-ups that allow you to interact with your 'enemies': four substances that have swamped the world. You will also find various tools to help you in the analysis phase. And last but not least, you will understand what happened to these abandoned places and discover the fate of its inhabitants: the Natitans."

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