Fishing Echoes: A Fantasy Fishing Adventure Arrives in Late 2024

Vinicius Melo
Editor-chefe Watermelo, cientista da computação e escritor iniciante.

segunda, 19 de agosto de 2024 12h 42min

(credit image: DuoBonza )

Fishing Echoes is a fishing RPG developed by DuoBonza, set to be released in the fourth quarter of 2024. In the game, players face powerful elemental forces as they hunt and capture elemental fish to uncover the source of a catastrophic maelstrom threatening their world. To gain insight into the creative process behind the game, the studio, led by Sean Bryant, shared some inspirations and challenges faced during development.

According to the studio, the idea for Fishing Echoes was influenced by the developer’s after-work activities. “I guess I was influenced by my after-work activities. I was working hard on some unreleased prototypes and started fishing to get out of the office and spend some time in the sun. As for the game's initial inspiration, it came from playing a second-hand copy of Legend of the River King on the Game Boy during my childhood,” explained Bryant. Initially conceived as a small project, the game’s scope expanded with the introduction of elemental fish and additional locations.

Fishing Echoes stands out from other fishing RPGs by fully embracing its fantasy setting. Players embark on a grand quest to save the world from an apocalyptic maelstrom triggered by an ancient fish. These fish are formidable adversaries with elemental magic that introduces new mechanics and keeps the gameplay challenging. “You’ll explore diverse fishing locations, each requiring adaptation, and face stage bosses at the end of each area,” added the studio.

With the launch planned for late 2024, the studio’s main goal is to deliver an exciting and challenging game without overstaying its welcome. Post-launch content will be heavily community-driven, according to the studio. “I have a few ideas on how to expand the concept, but the direction will be guided by the game's reception,” stated Bryant.

Although there are no concrete plans for post-launch updates or expansions at this stage, the studio mentioned that some of the locations currently in development might be included in a future update if the game’s pacing needs adjustments. Fishing Echoes promises to offer an innovative and engaging experience for fishing RPG fans, combining fantasy and strategy in an epic journey.

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