Pizia Studios Explores Nostalgia and Challenge in Hayaku! Island of Darkness

Vinicius Melo
Editor-chefe Watermelo, cientista da computação e escritor iniciante.

terça, 20 de agosto de 2024 12h 18min

(credit image: Pizia Studios )

Hayaku! Island of Darkness is a retro-inspired Metroidvania game that pays homage to the classic 8-bit era, blending challenging platforming, engaging combat, and a captivating story. The title, which has yet to receive an official release date, has generated significant interest within the gaming community. In a recent conversation with Pizia Studios, Ezequiel Nieto, the studio's representative, shared some insights into the inspirations and challenges behind the project.

When asked about the inspiration for creating Hayaku! Island of Darkness and the decision to honor the 8-bit era, Ezequiel explained: "In the early 90s, many of the games that arrived in Argentina were bootlegs of Famicom games. It was on one of these clone consoles that I played my first video game (Rockman). So, when I was thinking about what kind of game I wanted to make, the answer came naturally. As for the Metroidvania aspect, it's simply a genre that I enjoy a lot."

Combat and platforming mechanics are other strong points of the game, promising a unique experience for players. "I believe the combat system is a blend of Megaman Zero and Cave Story. The game features a wide variety of weapons to defeat enemies, ranging from sword upgrades to different types of guns. Additionally, each weapon can be upgraded by gaining experience, and its behavior can vary significantly depending on the level," Ezequiel highlighted.

Regarding the goals and expectations for the launch of Hayaku! Island of Darkness, Ezequiel revealed: "As a personal goal—something I'm often asked—I hope to release the game on all platforms. This is something we're still working on and can't confirm at the moment. Post-launch, there are several ideas swirling in my head, from DLCs with new bosses that expand the story to concepts for new games."

Finally, speaking about the unique story elements or characters that stand out in the game, Ezequiel added: "I've always liked games where decisions or the order in which things are done directly affect the story, no matter how small the change might be. Many of the characters in Hayaku are going through difficult times, and while it might initially seem like a simple game where you just defeat enemies (like Megaman), I'm working to make the story a bit deeper, focusing more on the struggles each character is facing."

To learn more about Hayaku! Island of Darkness, add the game to your Steam wishlist and stay updated with the latest news!

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