Guateque Games Explains Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?

Vinicius Melo
Editor-chefe Watermelo, cientista da computação e escritor iniciante.

sábado, 17 de agosto de 2024 11h 48min

(credit image: Guateque Games )

Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road? is a unique roguelike developed by Guateque Games, standing out for its infinite replay value. The game offers a distinct experience in every run, thanks to the variety of playable chickens, procedural maps, random modifiers, and different strategies players can adopt to reach their goals. This universe is full of personality and mysteries, making it an intriguing experience for any player venturing to discover why the chicken crossed the road.

The idea behind the game came from a combination of factors, as the studio explains: "The core of Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road? was born from a joke, something unrealistic and fun." During an indie event in Madrid, the studio's founder had an awakening, realizing that if he found a game concept worth exploring, he would fully dedicate himself to turning it into a long, complete game. The theme of the Global Jam 2024, "make me laugh," was the starting point for the creation of this game, which incorporates armed chickens to increase the absurdity and appeal to the public.

In terms of gameplay mechanics, Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road? differentiates itself from other pixel-art roguelikes with its modifier system. "My idea was to take what already exists in other roguelikes and go beyond," the studio explains. One example given was the ability to transform bullets into grenades, and by adding another modifier, create a shotgun grenade launcher, bringing an extra layer of challenge and fun. The synergies between modifiers provide a unique experience with each combination, often surprising even the developers.

Developing the game's prototype within the deadline was one of the biggest challenges the team faced. With only two months to present something at the Guadalindie event, the studio had to race against time. "We finished the prototype the day before, it was exhausting," the studio recalls. Currently, the main challenge is balancing the game to maintain the level of craziness that characterizes it without making it too easy.

As for the expectations for the launch, the studio remains humble: "I just want the game to be released. I'm focused on making the best game possible, and if we can do that, I'm sure the reception will be great." Even without a set release date, the studio promises to keep an open line of communication with the community, sharing accurate information as soon as it becomes available.

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