DRABIT STUDIO Reveals JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Inspiration Behind the Creation of Soulers

Vinicius Melo
Editor-chefe Watermelo, cientista da computação e escritor iniciante.

segunda, 12 de agosto de 2024 02h 12min

(credit image: DRABIT STUDIO )

The DRABIT STUDIO is developing Soulers, a shooter game with a "bullet time" mechanic that slows down time, slated for release in December 2025. Recently, we contacted the studio to gather more information about the current state of the project and the unique concept behind it. The team revealed that the time-slowing mechanic in Soulers was inspired by the anime JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. "In the anime, there is an ability called 'The World' that allows the user to stop time, creating opportunities to change the course of the battle." Initially, the game featured a time-stopping mechanic, but the studio realized that this made the gameplay too powerful and diminished the sense of action, leading to the adaptation to the current time-slowing ability.

In addition to the bullet time mechanic, Soulers stands out for the variety of characters that players can assemble in their teams. The development team explained that players will start with about three companions, but as they progress through the story and defeat enemies, they can recruit more allies. "By the end of the game, players can expect to have around 20 companions," the studio revealed. These characters play diverse roles and bring unique abilities that contribute to combat strategy and game progression.

When asked about the post-launch goals for Soulers, the studio emphasized the importance of establishing the game's intellectual property and expanding its universe. "The main goal for Soulers after its release is to establish the Soulers IP. We hope to create more works that explore the past and future of the Soulers universe." DRABIT STUDIO is focused on ensuring that players enjoy the game experience and look forward to future projects within the series.

Regarding future update plans, the studio mentioned the possibility of adding new game modes after the initial release. "We are considering adding a boss rush mode, where players can focus on defeating bosses, and possibly a roguelike mode based on that." However, the team was cautious to state that, due to the current focus on the development of the main game, they cannot provide a definitive answer on these additions at this time. The DRABIT STUDIO team highlighted that while they are open to new ideas and content, their primary goal is to deliver a polished and complete game experience at the initial launch.

With a combination of innovative mechanics and a diverse cast of characters, Soulers promises to be a title that not only attracts action game fans but also creates a rich and expansive universe for future explorations. The gaming community can certainly look forward to an engaging and challenging experience when the game is released in 2025.

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