Studio LEF Reveals Changes to the Original Plan for the Game 13 Seconds

Vinicius Melo
Editor-chefe Watermelo, cientista da computação e escritor iniciante.

sábado, 3 de agosto de 2024 11h 03min

(credit image: Studio LEF )

The game "13 Seconds," developed by Studio LEF and released in March 2024, has been garnering positive reviews on Steam. This hardcore bullet hell roguelike challenges players to control two robots simultaneously, battling through a barrage of bullets and deadly rays from relentless machines. Recently, we spoke with the studio to learn more about the development process and the challenges they faced.

The initial idea for "13 Seconds" was quite different from what we see today. Originally, the game had a different name and was conceived as a souls-like game focused on boss fights. The mechanic of controlling two characters with unique abilities remained, but the game proved to be overly complex for beginners. After various tests and adjustments, Studio LEF decided to simplify the experience, keeping only the core elements. Thus, the "13 Seconds" we know today was born, a casual yet challenging game.

Although the plan for "13 Seconds" was simple, the biggest challenge was the tight development schedule. After years of working on "Gravity Castle," the studio needed a change of pace. "13 Seconds" was conceived as a side project with a one-month deadline. Despite this constraint, the studio managed to release a cohesive game by cutting complex parts of the original plan and focusing on the main ideas. The frantic development atmosphere resulted in a final product that retains the challenging essence of the initial concept.

To ensure an engaging and balanced experience, Studio LEF conducted several beta tests. Demos with different difficulty levels were distributed to players, whose feedback was crucial in adjusting the game's challenge. According to the studio, listening to external opinions is essential, as developers often lose objectivity when assessing the difficulty of their own games.

Starting August 16, "13 Seconds" will be showcased at BIC, Korea's largest indie game festival. For this event, Studio LEF has prepared several updates, including a global leaderboard system, new challenges, additional items, and a hard mode. Additionally, a mobile version of the game is in development, which will allow them to reach an even larger audience. With these new features and continued success on Steam's wishlist, "13 Seconds" promises to keep surprising and challenging players through its intense 13-level journey.

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