Streep: A Magical Pen Adventure with Flowing Creativity

Vinicius Melo
Editor-chefe Watermelo, cientista da computação e escritor iniciante.

sexta, 9 de agosto de 2024 01h 09min

(credit image: StickyTable )

The Streep project, developed by StickyTable, is an innovative game that invites players to explore a magical paper world where the pen is the main tool for altering the environment and revealing hidden secrets. The concept emerged during a game jam at the Unwap festival, where the team decided to step away from their more serious prototypes and experiment with something new. "The theme of the game jam was 'You have to keep moving,'" the team explains. "So, we came up with the idea of a game where the player controls a pen and cannot stop drawing until they complete the level." This approach led to the creation of Streep, a game that combines drawing mechanics with an engaging narrative centered around families.

The design of Streep focuses on fluidity and the continuous flow that the game provides. "For us, Streep is all about flow. You interact by drawing through things, circling objects, going fast or slow, being precise or destructive, but always drawing," the developers state. The goal is for players to feel as though they are creating their own adventure, with the paper world serving as a blank canvas for their creations.

Currently, the studio is focused on creating a vertical slice of the game, which includes blocking out levels, mechanics, and developing the three Cs: Character (Pen), Controls (for all platforms, including mobile, stylus, mouse, and controller), and Camera. "We are working to ensure that the gameplay feels great on all platforms," they say. The aim is to complete the vertical slice by the end of the year, and the team has already received funding for this stage from the Belgian government, but is still seeking support for future production.

Regarding post-launch expectations, the Streep team is optimistic about expanding the content. "If we find the right support or a publisher, we might release on multiple platforms at once or prioritize some," they reveal. While it is early to determine exact details, there are plans to add new "books" or even consider a sequel, highlighting the special attachment the team has to the project.

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