Starvania Studio talks about the impact of Bahamut and the Waqwaq Tree winning the Graphics Galore Award at devcom 2024

Vinicius Melo
Editor-chefe Watermelo, cientista da computação e escritor iniciante.

quinta, 5 de setembro de 2024 16h 19min

(credit image: Starvania Studio )

Developed by Starvania Studio, Bahamut and the Waqwaq Tree is a 2D adventure game inspired by Arabian and Middle Eastern mythology. Players dive into an immersive underwater realm, exploring the cosmic sea to restore its radiance and uncover ancient secrets. The game recently won the "Graphics Galore" award at the devcom Indie Award 2024, gaining attention for its striking visuals and rich narrative. In an interview with the studio, Salman Bakedo, Starvania’s marketing lead, shared insights into the game’s development and the importance of this award for the studio.

When asked about the inspiration behind the game, Salman explained, "The inspiration for Bahamut and the Waqwaq Tree started with a vision of creating a fun, immersive underwater adventure set in a world full of Arabian mythology. We wanted to blend the magic of Arabian tales with a unique underwater setting." He noted that the game not only features characters inspired by Arabian mythology but also incorporates visual and cultural elements, such as architecture and music, with the oud being a key instrument. "The narrative draws from the classic tale of One Thousand and One Nights," Salman added.

Regarding the development process, Salman shared both challenges and triumphs. "One of our main challenges was establishing a stable development pipeline and maintaining a clear direction. The creative nature of the project required extra effort to define our workflow and ensure consistency," he explained. However, he also celebrated key achievements, such as the game's unique swimming mechanics, which evolved from early prototypes into a fully realized experience.

The "Graphics Galore" award was a significant milestone for Starvania. Salman expressed, "This award is more than just a win for the game and our studio; it's a major moment for the Saudi gaming ecosystem. It shows that we can create games that compete on a global scale, and we’re proud to be part of this movement."

As production nears completion, the studio is excited to share more updates soon. "What we showcased at the Indie Award was just a glimpse of what the game has to offer," Salman revealed, teasing additional drawing features, expanded lore, and new environments that will further enhance the underwater adventure.

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