Hyperfocus Interactive Introduces Strategic Depth with Northanda Chronicles

Vinicius Melo
Editor-chefe Watermelo, cientista da computação e escritor iniciante.

sexta, 16 de agosto de 2024 00h 05min

(credit image: Hyperfocus Interactive )

Hyperfocus Interactive is bringing a fresh approach to the RPG genre with Northanda Chronicles, a game that blends deck-building mechanics with party-based RPG elements. Players command a trio of heroes, each with unique abilities, battling through a world where reality is in constant flux. Central to this experience is the need to balance the strengths and needs of the characters, using a single, evolving deck to create cohesive and effective strategies.

Kim Boulton, Director and Principal Developer at Hyperfocus Interactive, shared more details about the inspiration behind the game: "The idea to blend deck-building mechanics with party-based RPG elements came from my deep love for both genres. I wanted to create something that was more than just the sum of its parts. In Northanda Chronicles, the party isn’t just an additional layer; it’s integral to the gameplay. Each hero has a unique role, but they share the same deck and hand, which means that every card needs to be carefully chosen to benefit everyone. This creates a deeply strategic dynamic where success depends on how well you can balance the different needs and strengths of your party."

Kim emphasized that, beyond the core mechanics, Northanda Chronicles offers unique elements that set it apart from traditional card games. "We’ve implemented mechanics like taunting, where defensive heroes can divert attacks toward themselves, protecting more vulnerable team members. Support heroes, on the other hand, can heal, provide buffs, and even generate extra mana, allowing other heroes to execute powerful combinations. Additionally, we’ve introduced summonable creatures that can join the battle, each adding a new layer of strategy to the game." He also mentioned the influence of games like MOBAs and MMORPGs in shaping the game’s mechanics, highlighting the diverse strategies these influences have brought.

With the release of Northanda Chronicles scheduled for 2025, Boulton outlined his primary goals for the development and launch phases: "My goal is to ensure that Northanda Chronicles delivers innovation, replayability, and strategic depth. I’m focused on refining the core mechanics and fine-tuning the balance between the heroes and the deck system. We want to offer a rich experience that players will want to revisit multiple times. We’re working on a three-act structure, with a narratively significant final boss fight, along with a difficulty progression system that will challenge players to replay runs at increasingly higher levels."

Kim also emphasized the studio’s commitment to building an engaging narrative and an original soundtrack. "Although we’re a small team of two, we’re dedicated to creating a rich story and a world that players will want to explore. We want the community to feel like they’re part of this process, so we plan to involve players in the final stage of development through beta testing and feedback sessions. This will help us ensure that the game meets both our expectations and those of the players."

As for the post-launch period, Boulton expressed a positive outlook: "I’m optimistic about the game’s reception, given its unique blend of genres and the strategic depth it offers. I hope that Northanda Chronicles will appeal to fans of both card games and RPGs. Our goal is to create a vibrant and collaborative community where players feel invested in the game’s ongoing development. I plan to be active and responsive within the community, listening to player feedback and supporting the game with updates and new content that reflect the community’s desires."

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