Exploring the Surreal Depths: Inside the Creation of 03

Vinicius Melo
Editor-chefe Watermelo, cientista da computação e escritor iniciante.

sábado, 10 de agosto de 2024 12h 39min

(credit image: Ta2 Games Studio )

The game "03" is a bullet-hell rogue-like shooter set in a surreal world inspired by the works of H.R. Giger and Zdzisław Beksiński. Developed by Ta2 Games, the project does not yet have an official release date. To gain a deeper understanding of the creative process and the studio's expectations, Watermelo spoke with the developer in charge.

When asked about the inspirations behind the creation of "03" and how the works of Giger and Beksiński influenced the game's design, the developer explained, "I have been deeply influenced by the art of both H.R. Giger and Zdzisław Beksiński for a long time, with Giger's work, particularly in the Alien movies, having a more prominent impact on me. My background is in art—I'm a tattoo artist—and I have a deep appreciation for surreal styles like biomechanical tattoos. You could say I've grown up with this style of art. This love for the genre, combined with the unique artistic vision it brings, is what inspired the creation of '03.' The game embodies this distinct vibe, translating it into an immersive and haunting experience."

Balancing the bullet-hell and rogue-like elements is crucial to ensuring an engaging gameplay experience. The developer shared his approach: "Balancing the bullet-hell and rogue-like elements in '03' is crucial to maintaining an engaging experience. My approach focuses on ensuring that the intensity of the bullet-hell combat is tempered with moments of exploration and discovery. Each run in '03' is designed to challenge players with increasingly complex patterns and enemies, but also to reward their perseverance with secrets, new weapons, and abilities. This balance keeps the gameplay loop fresh and exciting, encouraging players to delve deeper into the game's surreal world."

Even without a set release date, the developer has clear goals for "03" after its launch, particularly regarding community feedback and player engagement. "After the launch of '03,' my primary goals are to foster a strong community and continuously engage with players to refine the game. Community feedback will be vital in shaping post-launch updates, especially as I plan to add more content and fine-tune the gameplay based on player experiences. I'm committed to maintaining an open dialogue with the community, using platforms like Discord and social media to gather input and keep players informed about ongoing developments."

Regarding future updates or expansions, the studio already has plans in mind. "Yes, there are definitely plans for future updates and expansions for '03.' If the upcoming Kickstarter campaign is successful, I aim to expand the game with additional levels, more intricate environments, and deeper gameplay mechanics. Even if the campaign doesn't reach its full potential, I'm committed to adding new content post-launch to complete the game's vision. Players can look forward to new challenges, additional lore, and ongoing improvements that will enhance the overall experience."

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