Cooking Fever Celebrates 10 Years and Attempts to Break a Guinness World Record

Vinicius Melo
Editor-chefe Watermelo, cientista da computação e escritor iniciante.

quarta, 4 de setembro de 2024 13h 59min

(credit image: Nordcurrent )

Nordcurrent is gearing up for the 10th anniversary of Cooking Fever with an exciting attempt to break a Guinness World Record! In a real-life recreation of the popular game, renowned chefs in Vilnius, Lithuania, will race against the clock to assemble the most hamburgers in one minute. With the current record standing at eight hamburgers, the chefs trained by Cooking Fever are ready to take on the challenge on September 5th at 19:00 EET.

Victoria Trofimova, CEO of Nordcurrent Group, shared the inspiration behind this unique event: "The idea to organize a Guinness World Record attempt came naturally. We wanted to do something memorable for the 10th anniversary of Cooking Fever. A real burger assembly competition was one of the first ideas the team had. Who better to break this record than a company that produces the leading restaurant time-management game?"

Vilnius, the birthplace of the game and home to Nordcurrent's headquarters, was chosen as the event location to show appreciation to the local community. With its vibrant food scene, the city provides the perfect backdrop for this challenge. Nordcurrent partnered with local burger joints Drama Burger and Meat Busters, whose chefs are eager to showcase their skills. Karolis Čygas of Drama Burger confidently stated, "Training? Why would I train if I was born ready? As Caesar said: Veni, Vidi, Vici! I'm here to win." His colleague, Paulius Staliorius, added, "I feel great, and I doubt I'll need to train because I've been doing this for 11 years. That should be enough to win."

The chefs from Meat Busters, equally prepared, emphasized the synergy between their in-game and real-life skills. Arvydas Kieras remarked, "Both in the game and in real life, you face similar emotions and challenges. I have everything I need for this challenge. Let me into the kitchen as soon as possible." Another participant, Sergej Kozlov, added, "I've been playing Cooking Fever for as long as I can remember, and I always feel a good rush when playing. I'm on my way to breaking this record."

You can follow the results of this exciting attempt by keeping up with Nordcurrent on Instagram, LinkedIn, and the newly launched Cooking Fever YouTube channel, which has quickly gained a large following.

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