Catamyst: Action Roguelike with Science and Magic The New Release from Bugsaretasty

Vinicius Melo
Editor-chefe Watermelo, cientista da computação e escritor iniciante.

segunda, 12 de agosto de 2024 13h 26min

(credit image: Bugsaretasty )

Catamyst, an Action Roguelike developed by bugsaretasty, is set to launch on August 19, 2024. The game combines science and magic to create potions and use them against hordes of enemies threatening the natural world. With the release date approaching, the studio shared details about the inspiration and future plans for the game.

The fusion of science and magic in Catamyst originated from an idea conceived during a university project. “During the brainstorming process, I was discussing ideas with a friend who was a Chemistry Major at university. I was inspired by the idea of teaching a little about molecular chemistry while providing a fun gameplay experience.” The concept of using molecules and chemistry in combat led to the creation of potions, which became the foundation of the gameplay. “Collecting molecules and crafting potions based on chemical reactions and compounds became the core of the game.”

Potion crafting mechanics are described as simple and accessible. “Potion crafting is as simple as gathering the right molecules and pressing the Right Click to craft!” With limited supplies, players must make tactical decisions about how many potions to craft. Recipes are based on real-world chemistry, such as having a Vial of Water with the recipe H2O. “Players should be able to recognize how a potion came to be and relate its effects to real-world chemical applications.” Effective strategies include using the available tools to manage enemies, with options for heavy damage or freezing enemies in their tracks.

Post-launch, the studio will focus on a feedback period. “Post-release will consist of a feedback period, where I’ll be focusing on fixing bugs and collecting feedback through social media and the game’s Discord server.” The studio will also keep an eye on game balancing to ensure a well-tuned experience. “A lot of internal testing has been focusing on providing a balanced experience and making sure each playstyle is well represented in terms of potions and upgrades.”

Additionally, there are plans for future updates and expansions. “I’ll be working on regular content updates, adding more potions, upgrades, and gameplay mechanics to maintain the game’s replayability.” In the future, a DLC pack will include a new map, enemies, and potions, although it is still in the design stage. “I have aspirations for games beyond Catamyst, but for now, this game is my core development focus.” The studio is hopeful that players will enjoy their first release.

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